Sunday 27 February 2011

Shapes were invented very quickly after vision became popular.

The first few that gained sight didn't mind so much the blurry-greyness that surrounded them. The constant shift between light and dark was a thrill beyond comparison and when they created colour, well that was it! Job Done.

But as vision became more accesible and available to a wider audience, demands were soon being made. They wanted to use their new found sense to look at something. Anything.

So the leaders met and brainstormed. Many ideas came and went, but nothing really inoovitive.

It wasn't until someone tried to describe how objects should look, according to what their hands told them, that new words came into use.

Square. Circle. Triangle.

That was it! These new words had pattern to them, they had shape.

It only took a few weeks for the first prototype shapes to be rolled out. In very little time at all, they were combinded, increased, complicated, reduced, refined, simplified, compared and generally larked about with. The world became full of stuff.

And that seemed to please everyone.

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