Friday 21 January 2011

I am not well today!

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could please fix my nose. It begins to get runny, then POW! Sneezing uncontrollably for days on end. No other symptoms than that, but it's extremely tiring and I end up feeling crappy as well as gross and snotty.

The doctors gave me a spray that fixed it right up, but when I ran out and went back, they said I didn't need it anymore. They were wrong.

Now, with each sneeze seeming to increase in intensity (one of them momentarily lifted me off my feet in the metro station) I can only be a matter of days away from suffering a fatal explosion.

The only suggesstion I can make is to wear good, strong, water-proof clothing when you're around me, and please bring a bucket to reclaim as much of me as you can for the funeral.


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